WEB-based scoring software for the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue, Roth 28-Hue, Farnsworth D-15, and the Lanthony D-15 desaturated arrangement tests (2014.01.01)

Béla Török, M.D., Ph.D. bela@torok.info

1. Purpose and general informations

Web-based platform independent scoring for the Farnsworth-Munsell FM 100-Hue, the Farnsworth D-15 and the Lanthony D-15 color vision tests. The result of the test is a SVG (Scallable Network Graphics) polar diagram. Since SVG is a vetcor graphic file format, the quality of the output is limited only by the capabilities of the output device.  

The test programs are availble from the following URLs:
Primary server:
FM100-Hue scoring program:  http://www.torok.info/colorvision/fm100.htm
Roth 28-Hue scoring program: http://www.torok.info/colorvision/roth28.htm
Panel D-15 scoring program: http://www.torok.info/colorvision/d15.htm
Secondary server:
FM100-Hue scoring program:  http://www.belatorok.com/colorvision/fm100.htm
Roth 28-Hue scoring program: http://www.belatorok.com/colorvision/roth28.htm
Panel D-15 scoring program: http://www.belatorok.com/colorvision/d15.htm
Secure server: (Data transfer with SSL encryption)
FM100-Hue scoring program:  https://ssl4.webland.ch/www820/colorvision/fm100.htm
Roth 28-Hue scoring program: http://ssl4.webland.ch/www820/colorvision/roth28.htm
Panel D-15 scoring program: https://ssl4.webland.ch/www820/colorvision/d15.htm

The directions for use is (this file):

The scoring program is platform independent and can be used with browser programs supporting the following WEB standards:

  1. HTML5
  2. UTF-8 character support
  3. Inline SVG. Since the html file contains the SVG graphics, test results can be archived by saving the html file.
  4. ISO 8601 Date format http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601
The results of the tests can be sent with inline SVG to mail recipients. This feature requires a mail clients with inline svg support, e.g., Thuderbird, Android email and gmail client. (Inline svg is not supported in Microsoft Outlook 2003, 2007 and 2010 and in many webmail programs.) Inline SVG in mail is optional. Since many mail clients are not inline SVG compatible, this is not the default action. To enable this feature check the "Mail client with inline SVG graphic support" checkbox in the user interface.

The scoring programs are compatible with contemporary browser programs. In case of incompatibility, the obsolete version of the programs are still available from: http://www.belatorok.com/colorvision-v1

Information on SVG is available at: http://wiki.svg.org/Viewer_Implementations, http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Overview.htm8 and http://www.adobe.com/svg/.

Browser setup: Javascript must be enabled! (Usually enabled as default.)

2. Direction for use

Enter patient data in the "Name", "Date of birth" and "Address" fields. 
The "Date" is the actual date (accuracy depends on the date and time settings of the client computer). If necessary this field can be overwitten. To change the date format see the customization section. 

If the "Send result to:" field contains a valid Email address results of the test are also forwarded to that address. A leave this fleld blank if you don't want to send the result by mail. The "Sender's Email address" field contains the mail address of the sender (the defalt is noreply@torok.info). To customize these two email addresses see the customization section. 

Select the eye(s) tested using the radio buttons.

The order of the color caps can be selected using the mouse. A red light above each boxes indicates an error (a cap was selected two or multiple times). A green light indicates that the selection is OK.

Clicking the "Calculate result" will compute the score and color defect type. The "Reset caps" button resets color caps to the default state (use) this button before retest, or side change. (The fields with patient information remain unchanged.)
Pressing the button "Reset all fields" clears the patient information fields, and resets the color caps to the default state.

After pressing the "Calculate results" button the patient data, date, the order of the color caps, a polar diagram, the total error score, midpoint and color defect type is presented in the same window.

After printing the results, the fellow eye can be calculated by pressing the "Back" button (left arrow) in the upper left corner of the browser (left arrow -> "reset caps" -> jump to the top of the page, select the other eye with the radion buttons, etc.).

3. Calculation of the total error score

The Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue total error score is calculated as documented in the user's manual.

The Roth 28 error scores were calculated the similar way like the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue score. Since the cup-to cup diffrenece is 3, the total error score is similar to the FM 100-Hue test.

The Panel D-15 total error score is calculated using the calculation proposed by Lanthony: Lanthony P. Evaluation du Panel D-15 désaturé. I: Méthode de quantification et scores normaux. J. Fr. Ophtalmol. 1986, 9:843-847

Normative data for different age groups were incorporated  from the following publications in the scoring programs:

1. Verriest G, Van Laethem J, Uvijls A. A new assessment of the normal ranges of the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue test scores. Am J Ophthalmol. 1982; 93:635-642.

2. Kinnear PR, Sahraie A.New Farnsworth-Munsell 100 hue test norms of normal observers for each year of age 5-22 and for age decades 30-70. Br J Ophthalmol. 2002; 86:1408-1411.

3. Erb. C, Adler M, Stübiger N, Wohrab M, Zrenner E, Thiel HJ. Colour vision in normal subjects tested by the colour arrangement test 'Roth 28-hue desaturated'. Vision Research 1998; 38:3467-3471

FM100 95% confidence levels
The 95% confidence level of the total error score for different age groups according to Verriest et al., Kinnear and Sahraie and Erb et al., and Lanthony.

4. Calculation of the color defect type

Automatic calculation of the FM 100-Hue and Roth 28-Hue midpoint

  1. The scores of each caps are stored in a circular array. 
  2. A lowpass filter is applied to this array.
  3. The midpoint is calculated as the index of the maximal value in the smoothed array
Farnswort-Munsell 100-Hue color defect type calculation according Farnsworth

The color defec type is calculated if the error score is >= 80 according to Farnsworth (see table below). Literature: Farnsworth D. The Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue Test. Manual, Munsell Color Company, Baltimore, MD, 1957.

Defect Type Cap No. Range
Protanopes 14-24 and 62-70
Deuternanopes 12-20 and 56-61
Tritanopes 2-6 and 46-52

Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue, Roth 28-Hue, Farnsworth D-15 and Lantony D15 Desaturated color defect type calculation using the moment of inertia method according to Vingrys and King-Smith

If the selectivity index is larger than 1.65, the color defect type is calculated as follows:

Defect Type Angle in degree
Protanomals and Protanopes from -2  to 29
Deuteranomals and Deuternanopes from -30  to -2
Tritanomals and Tritanopes from -90  to -65

5. Archiving the results

Use the "Save" or "Save as" options in the "File" menu in your browser program. Since embedded SVG is included in HTML the HTML-file contains all information.

6. Importing SVG images in other applications

  1. Calculate the results
  2. Click on the "Export SVG image" link on the result page (bottom left on the page).
  3. Save the SVG image. (File menu -> Save as -> e.g., Testimage.svg in a subdirectory of your choice. (The extension .svg is important!)
  4. Programs supporting SVG, e.g., OpemOffice or LiberOffice can import this file directly.
  5. Since Microsoft Office does not support SVG (Web standard since about 10 years!), SVG images has to be converted to other vector or raster graphics formats supported by Microrosoft, e.g., Encapsulated Postscript (.eps -> vector), Windows Enhanced Metafile (.eps -> vector), TIFF, PNG, JPG, or other raster format. Since vector graphics can be scaled without loosing the quality (quality is only limited by the capabilities of the output device) vector graphics, e.g., Encapsulated PostScript is recommended. SVG images can be converted to other formats with different programs, a good freeware program is available from http://www.inkscape.org

7. The Farnsworth-Munsell FM 100-Hue, Farnsworth D-15 and Lanthony D-15 tests are available from the following companies:




8. Operating System and Browser Compatibility


  • Internet Explorer >= V9)
  • Safari versions >= V3.1
  • Opera versions >= 9
  • Firefox > 6
  • Chrome
  • Macintosh:

  • Safari versions >= 3.1
  • Opera versions >= V9.
  • Firefox > 6
  • Linux:

  • Opera versions >= 9
  • Firefox > 6

  • Last change: 28. January 2014